The October draw took place down the cricket club on Friday evening, drawn by Graham Smyth and Dave Lee.
Results – October draw
1st - £125 – 126 David Yorath
2nd - £85 – 120 Chris Horne
3rd - £70 – 186 Pat Coates
4th - £60 – 190 Liz Fleming
5th - £50 – 177 Kath Pritchard
6th - £40 – 107 Stephen Doman
7th - £30 – 152 John Schofield
Congratulations to all the winners.
To collect your winnings please e-mail Tom with your details - and he will arrange payment.
Anyone wishing to join and buy a number or two please e-mail me at and I can give you details for payment (£5 a month for one number, 50% of money goes towards prizes over the year and 50% goes towards the club) and we can get you in for the next draw.
All new members welcome.